Did `dartdoc` drop support for generating markdown documentation? If yes, is there an alternative solution?
Image by Robertine - hkhazo.biz.id

Did `dartdoc` drop support for generating markdown documentation? If yes, is there an alternative solution?

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If you’re a developer who’s been using Dart and `dartdoc` to generate documentation for your projects, you might have noticed that the latest versions of `dartdoc` no longer support generating markdown documentation. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this change, and more importantly, provide you with alternative solutions to generate high-quality markdown documentation for your Dart projects.

The rise and fall of `dartdoc` markdown support

`dartdoc` has been the go-to tool for generating documentation for Dart projects since its introduction. One of its most popular features was the ability to generate markdown documentation, which made it easy to integrate with popular documentation tools like MkDocs and Jekyll. However, with the release of `dartdoc` version 4.0.0, the markdown generator was deprecated, and eventually removed in version 5.0.0.

Why did `dartdoc` drop markdown support?

According to the `dartdoc` team, the decision to drop markdown support was driven by several factors:

  • Focus on HTML documentation**: The `dartdoc` team wanted to focus on generating high-quality HTML documentation, which is more customizable and flexible than markdown.
  • Complexity of markdown generation**: Generating markdown documentation required a significant amount of effort and resources, which were no longer justified by the limited adoption of markdown output.
  • Rise of alternative documentation tools**: The increasing popularity of tools like MkDocs, Jekyll, and Hugo, which can generate markdown documentation from Dart sources, reduced the need for `dartdoc` to provide markdown support.

Alternative solutions for generating markdown documentation

Don’t worry, there are still ways to generate markdown documentation for your Dart projects! Here are some alternative solutions:

1. MkDocs

MkDocs is a popular documentation generator that can generate markdown documentation from Dart sources. To use MkDocs with Dart, you’ll need to:

  1. Install MkDocs using pip: `pip install mkdocs`
  2. Create a `mkdocs.yml` configuration file with the following content:
    site_name: My Dart Project
      - Home: index.md
      - mdx_math
      - admonition
  3. Run MkDocs to generate markdown documentation: `mkdocs build`

2. Jekyll

Jekyll is another popular static site generator that can generate markdown documentation from Dart sources. To use Jekyll with Dart, you’ll need to:

  1. Install Jekyll using gem: `gem install jekyll`
  2. Create a `config.yml` configuration file with the following content:
    title: My Dart Project
    markdown: kramdown
    Highlighter: rouge
  3. Run Jekyll to generate markdown documentation: `jekyll build`

3. Hugo

Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generator that can generate markdown documentation from Dart sources. To use Hugo with Dart, you’ll need to:

  1. Install Hugo using Homebrew (on Mac): `brew install hugo`
  2. Create a `config.toml` configuration file with the following content:
    title = "My Dart Project"
      html = false
          definitionLists = true
          strikethrough = true
          tables = true
          task Lists = true
  3. Run Hugo to generate markdown documentation: `hugo –minify –cleanDestinationDir`

Generating markdown documentation from Dart sources

Regardless of the alternative solution you choose, you’ll need to generate markdown documentation from your Dart sources. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Add Dartdoc comments to your code

Start by adding Dartdoc comments to your Dart code using the triple slash `///` syntax. For example:

/// This is a Dartdoc comment
/// You can use multiple lines to describe your code
class MyClass {
  /// This is a Dartdoc comment for a method
  void myMethod() {}

2. Run Dartdoc to generate JSON output

Run the following command to generate a JSON output from your Dart sources:

dartdoc --output.json

3. Convert JSON to markdown using a conversion tool

Use a conversion tool like `jq` or `pandoc` to convert the JSON output to markdown. For example, using `jq`:

jq -r '.[] | .name + "\n======" + "\n\n" + .docs[] | .text' output.json > README.md

This will generate a markdown file `README.md` containing the documentation for your Dart project.


The deprecation of markdown support in `dartdoc` might have come as a surprise, but it’s opened up new opportunities for alternative solutions to generate high-quality markdown documentation for your Dart projects. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can continue to generate markdown documentation for your Dart projects using popular tools like MkDocs, Jekyll, and Hugo.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with generating markdown documentation for your Dart projects today!

Tool Installation Configuration Command
MkDocs pip install mkdocs mkdocs.yml mkdocs build
Jekyll gem install jekyll config.yml jekyll build
Hugo brew install hugo config.toml

Frequently Asked Question

Get the latest scoop on dartdoc and markdown documentation!

Did dartdoc really drop support for generating markdown documentation?

Yes, you heard that right! As of dartdoc version 5.0, Markdown generation is no longer supported. This change was made to focus on HTML documentation and improve overall performance.

What was the reason behind dropping Markdown support?

The main reason was to simplify the documentation generation process and concentrate on HTML output. Besides, Markdown support was not as popular among dartdoc users as expected.

Is there an alternative solution for generating Markdown documentation?

Yes, you can use the `dartdoc-markdown` package as an alternative. It’s a separate tool that generates Markdown documentation from your Dart code. It’s not an official replacement, but it’s a popular community-driven solution.

How do I use dartdoc-markdown to generate Markdown documentation?

You can add `dartdoc-markdown` as a dependency in your `pubspec.yaml` file and then run the command `dartdoc-markdown` in your terminal. This will generate Markdown documentation for your Dart project. You can also customize the output by using various command-line options.

Are there any other alternatives for Markdown documentation generation?

Yes, there are other packages available, such as `markdown_dart` and `dart_comment`. However, `dartdoc-markdown` is the most popular and widely-used alternative. You can explore these options and choose the one that best suits your needs.

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