MQTT Client Conundrum: Unraveling the Mystery of Certificates and Ports
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MQTT Client Conundrum: Unraveling the Mystery of Certificates and Ports

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating issue with your MQTT client: it refuses to publish to the broker using MQTTS. The error messages are cryptic, and the solutions seem elusive. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the truth behind certificates and ports.

The Problem: A Tale of Two Ports

Here’s the scenario: you’ve set up your MQTT broker with MQTTS (MQTT over SSL/TLS) on port 8883, and you’ve generated valid certificates for your client. However, when you try to publish to the broker, you’re met with an error. But, when you switch to port 443 (the default HTTPS port), everything works seamlessly. What sorcery is this?

Certificates: The Usual Suspects

Let’s start by examining the certificates. You’ve generated them correctly, and they’re valid, so what’s the issue? The problem lies in the fact that certificates are validated differently depending on the port used. When you use port 443, the client assumes it’s an HTTPS connection and uses the default validation process. However, when you switch to port 8883, the client is expecting an MQTT connection, and the validation process changes.

// Example of a certificate validation error on port 8883
SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This error message indicates that the client is unable to find a valid certification path to the broker. But why does it work on port 443?

Port 443: The Default HTTPS Port

When you use port 443, the client assumes an HTTPS connection, and the default validation process kicks in. This process involves checking the certificate against the truststore (a collection of trusted certificates). Since the certificate is valid, the connection is established, and the client can publish to the broker.

Port Protocol Validation Process
443 HTTPS Default validation process (truststore-based)
8883 MQTTS Custom validation process ( certificate-based)

Port 8883: The Custom Validation Process

When you use port 8883, the client expects an MQTTS connection, and the custom validation process takes over. This process involves checking the certificate against the expected certificate authorities (CAs) and subject alternative names (SANs). However, if the certificate doesn’t meet these expectations, the connection fails.

Solution: Unifying the Validation Process

Now that we’ve identified the issue, it’s time to find a solution. We need to unify the validation process for both ports. There are two approaches to achieve this:

  1. Use a single certificate for both ports, ensuring it’s valid for both HTTPS and MQTTS connections.
  2. Configure the MQTT client to use a custom truststore for the MQTTS connection on port 8883.

Approach 1: Single Certificate for Both Ports

This approach involves generating a single certificate that’s valid for both HTTPS and MQTTS connections. You’ll need to ensure the certificate has the correct SANs and CAs for both protocols.

// Example of a single certificate with SANs for both HTTPS and MQTTS
    Version: 3 (0x2)
    Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
  Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    CN = MyBroker, OU = IoT, O = MyCompany, L = City, S = State, C = Country
    Not Before: Mar  3 00:00:00 2023 GMT
    Not After : Mar  3 23:59:59 2024 GMT
    CN = MyBroker, OU = IoT, O = MyCompany, L = City, S = State, C = Country
  Subject Alternative Names:,, IP Address:
  Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Approach 2: Custom Truststore for MQTTS

This approach involves configuring the MQTT client to use a custom truststore for the MQTTS connection on port 8883. You’ll need to create a truststore containing the certificate(s) you want to trust for the MQTTS connection.

// Example of a custom truststore configuration for the MQTT client
mqttClient.setSslConfig(new SslConfig(
  new TrustStore("path/to/truststore.jks", "password"),
  new KeyStore("path/to/keystore.jks", "password"),

In this example, we’re creating a custom truststore with a specific keystore and password. You’ll need to adjust the paths and passwords according to your setup.

Conclusion: Unraveling the Mystery

We’ve successfully unraveled the mystery of certificates and ports in the context of MQTT clients and brokers. By understanding the differences in validation processes between port 443 and port 8883, we can now configure our MQTT clients to work seamlessly with MQTTS. Whether you choose to use a single certificate for both ports or a custom truststore for MQTTS, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a secure and reliable connection.

Remember, certificates are like magical keys that unlock the doors to secure communication. But, just like magic, it requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles to wield them effectively.

Additional Resources

With this newfound knowledge, go forth and conquer the realms of MQTT and MQTTS! 🔒💻

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with MQTT client publishing to broker using MQTTS? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: Are the certificates really valid?

Double-check that the certificates are indeed valid and not expired. Even if they’re valid in port 443, they might not be configured correctly for port 8883. Verify the certification authority (CA) file, client certificate, and private key are all in place and correctly formatted.

Q2: Is the MQTT client configuration correct?

Make sure the MQTT client is configured to use the correct TLS/SSL version, cipher suite, and protocol. Also, verify that the client is pointing to the correct broker URL and port (in this case, 8883). A simple mistake in the configuration can prevent the client from connecting and publishing to the broker.

Q3: Are the firewall rules blocking the connection?

It’s possible that firewall rules are blocking the MQTT client from connecting to the broker on port 8883. Check the firewall logs and configuration to ensure that the necessary incoming and outgoing rules are in place to allow the connection.

Q4: Is the broker configured to use MQTTS?

Verify that the broker is configured to use MQTTS (TLS/SSL) on port 8883. Check the broker’s configuration file and ensure that the TLS/SSL settings are enabled and correctly configured. If you’re using a managed MQTT broker service, check the service’s documentation for MQTTS configuration.

Q5: What MQTT client library are you using?

The issue might be specific to the MQTT client library you’re using. Try switching to a different library or version to see if the problem persists. You can also check the library’s documentation and GitHub issues to see if others have encountered similar problems.

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