Swish API Payout Request: Conquering the “PA01: Parameter is not correct” Error
Image by Robertine - hkhazo.biz.id

Swish API Payout Request: Conquering the “PA01: Parameter is not correct” Error

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating “PA01: Parameter is not correct” error while making a payout request through the Swish API. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error can be particularly vexing, especially when you’re unsure what’s causing it. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of Swish API payout requests and conquer this error together.

What is Swish API and Why Should I Care?

Swish is a popular payment platform in Sweden, allowing users to make fast and secure transactions. The Swish API enables developers to integrate this payment functionality into their applications, making it a convenient option for businesses and individuals alike. As a developer, you care about Swish API because it offers a seamless way to handle payouts, refunds, and other payment-related tasks within your application.

The Anatomy of a Swish API Payout Request

A payout request is a critical component of the Swish API. It’s used to initiate a payment from your application to a user’s Swish account. The request requires specific parameters to be set correctly; otherwise, you’ll encounter errors – like the dreaded “PA01: Parameter is not correct” error.

POST /payout HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "payerPaymentReference": "string",
  "payeePaymentReference": "string",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "SEK",
  "message": "string",
  "callbackUrl": "string"

The above code snippet shows a typical payout request in JSON format. The parameters include:

  • payerPaymentReference: A unique identifier for the payer.
  • payeePaymentReference: A unique identifier for the payee.
  • amount: The amount of the payout in the specified currency.
  • currency: The currency of the payout (in this case, SEK for Swedish krona).
  • message: An optional message to be displayed to the payee.
  • callbackUrl: A URL to receive callbacks from Swish API.

Common Causes of the “PA01: Parameter is not correct” Error

Now that we’ve covered the basics of a payout request, let’s explore the common culprits behind the “PA01: Parameter is not correct” error:

  1. Invalid or missing parameters: Double-check that all required parameters are present and correctly formatted.
  2. Incorrect data types: Ensure that the data types for each parameter match the expected type (e.g., string, integer, etc.).
  3. Malformed JSON: Verify that your JSON payload is properly formatted and free of syntax errors.
  4. Invalid or expired credentials: Make sure your API credentials are valid and up-to-date.
  5. Rate limiting or concurrent requests: Check if you’re exceeding the Swish API’s rate limits or making concurrent requests that may cause conflicts.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Let’s walk through a step-by-step process to identify and fix the “PA01: Parameter is not correct” error:

Step Action What to Check
1 Review API credentials API key, secret key, and client ID
2 Verify JSON payload JSON syntax, parameter order, and data types
3 Check parameter values Required parameters, valid values, and formatting
4 Test with a minimal payload Remove optional parameters and test with essential parameters only
5 Consult Swish API documentation API endpoint, HTTP method, and parameter requirements
6 Reach out to Swish API support If all else fails, contact Swish API support for assistance


The “PA01: Parameter is not correct” error can be a frustrating obstacle when working with the Swish API. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the issue. Remember to double-check your API credentials, JSON payload, and parameter values. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to Swish API support for guidance.

With patience and persistence, you’ll be making successful payout requests through the Swish API in no time. Happy coding!

Additional Resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on Swish API payout request errors? Get the scoop on fixing that pesky ‘PA01: Parameter is not correct’ error!

What’s the deal with the ‘PA01: Parameter is not correct’ error?

Hey, no worries! This error usually pops up when there’s a tiny mistake in the API request. Double-check that you’re passing the correct parameters, and make sure they’re in the right format. Take a peek at Swish’s API documentation for a refresher on the correct parameters and formatting.

Could the error be related to the transaction amount or currency?

Exactly! The transaction amount and currency are common culprits. Verify that the amount is a valid decimal value and the currency is set to ‘SEK’ (since Swish only supports Swedish kronor). If you’re still stuck, try reformatting the amount to ensure it’s correct.

What if I’ve double-checked everything, and the error persists?

No worries! In that case, try checking the API request headers, making sure they’re set up correctly. Also, verify that your API key is valid and properly configured. If you’re still stuck, reach out to Swish’s support team for some extra assistance.

Are there any specific formatting requirements for the payout request?

Good thinking! Yes, Swish has specific formatting requirements for payout requests. Make sure to follow their guidelines for JSON formatting, and don’t forget to include all required fields. You can find more info on Swish’s API documentation.

Is there a way to test my API request before sending it to Swish?

Smart question! Yes, you can use tools like Postman or cURL to test your API request before sending it to Swish. This will help you identify any issues with your request before it reaches Swish’s servers.

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