Using std::unique_ptr with Aligned Type Results in Compiler Warning: A Comprehensive Guide
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Using std::unique_ptr with Aligned Type Results in Compiler Warning: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with compiler warnings when working with std::unique_ptr and aligned types? You’re not alone! Many C++ developers have stumbled upon this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of std::unique_ptr, aligned types, and compiler warnings, providing you with a clear understanding of the problem and, more importantly, a solution to get your code warning-free.

The Problem: std::unique_ptr and Aligned Types

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. Suppose you have a type that requires a specific alignment, such as a SIMD vector or a struct with a certain packing. You want to use std::unique_ptr to manage the lifetime of an object of this type. Sounds reasonable, right? However, when you try to compile your code, you’re greeted with a compiler warning that looks something like this:

warning: deleting object of polymorphic class type 'aligned_type' which has non-virtual destructor may cause undefined behavior [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor]

This warning is telling you that the destructor of the aligned type is not virtual, which can lead to undefined behavior when using std::unique_ptr. But why is this happening, and how can we fix it?

Why the Warning?

The reason for this warning lies in the way std::unique_ptr manages the lifetime of objects. When you use std::unique_ptr with a custom deleter, it will call the deleter function to destroy the object. However, if the object’s type is not polymorphic (i.e., it doesn’t have a virtual destructor), the compiler can’t guarantee that the correct destructor will be called. This is where the warning comes in, alerting you to the potential danger of undefined behavior.

Aligned types often don’t have a virtual destructor, as they’re designed to be used as plain old data (POD) types. This means that the compiler can’t ensure that the correct destructor will be called when using std::unique_ptr, leading to the warning.

The Solution: Using std::unique_ptr with Aligned Types

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore the solution. To use std::unique_ptr with aligned types without compiler warnings, we need to provide a custom deleter that takes into account the alignment requirements of the type. Here’s an example:

template <typename T>
struct aligned_deleter {
    void operator()(T* ptr) const {
        // Use aligned delete to ensure correct destruction
        delete[] ptr;

// Define the aligned type
struct aligned_type {
    alignas(16) char data[16];

// Use std::unique_ptr with aligned type and custom deleter
std::unique_ptr<aligned_type, aligned_deleter<aligned_type>> ptr(new aligned_type);

In this example, we define a custom deleter struct, aligned_deleter, that takes a pointer to the aligned type as an argument. The deleter uses aligned delete (delete[]) to ensure that the object is destroyed correctly, taking into account the alignment requirements of the type.

We then define the aligned type, aligned_type, with its alignment requirements specified using the alignas keyword. Finally, we create a std::unique_ptr object using the aligned type and the custom deleter.

Why This Solution Works

This solution works because we’re providing a custom deleter that knows how to destroy the object correctly, taking into account the alignment requirements of the type. By using aligned delete, we ensure that the object is destroyed in a way that’s compatible with its alignment requirements.

By using a custom deleter with std::unique_ptr, we’re telling the compiler that we know what we’re doing and that we’re responsible for ensuring the correct destruction of the object. This allows us to sidestep the warning and write code that’s safe and efficient.

Best Practices and Additional Considerations

While the solution above works, there are some best practices and additional considerations to keep in mind when using std::unique_ptr with aligned types:

  • Always use a custom deleter with aligned types to ensure correct destruction.

  • Make sure to specify the alignment requirements of the type using the alignas keyword.

  • Use std::unique_ptr with caution when working with aligned types, and always consider the potential risks of undefined behavior.

  • Document your code thoroughly, explaining why you’re using a custom deleter and how it ensures correct destruction of the object.


In conclusion, using std::unique_ptr with aligned types can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, you can write safe and efficient code. By understanding the problem and providing a custom deleter that takes into account the alignment requirements of the type, you can avoid compiler warnings and ensure correct destruction of your objects.

Remember to follow best practices, consider additional factors, and document your code thoroughly to make your life (and the lives of your colleagues) easier. Happy coding!

Warning Solution
warning: deleting object of polymorphic class type ‘aligned_type’ which has non-virtual destructor may cause undefined behavior [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor] Use a custom deleter with std::unique_ptr that takes into account the alignment requirements of the type.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below!

  1. What is the purpose of std::unique_ptr?

    Answer: std::unique_ptr is a smart pointer that manages the lifetime of an object, ensuring that it’s deleted when it’s no longer needed.

  2. What is an aligned type?

    Answer: An aligned type is a type that requires a specific alignment in memory, such as a SIMD vector or a struct with a certain packing.

  3. Why do aligned types often not have a virtual destructor?

    Answer: Aligned types are often designed to be used as plain old data (POD) types, which means they don’t require a virtual destructor.

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of C++ and tackle those pesky compiler warnings when using std::unique_ptr with aligned types!

What is the main issue with using std::unique_ptr with aligned types?

The main issue arises because std::unique_ptr does not preserve the alignment of the type it points to. When you use std::unique_ptr with an aligned type, the compiler is unsure whether the alignment will be preserved, resulting in a warning.

Why does the compiler care about alignment in this case?

The compiler cares about alignment because certain types, like SIMD vectors or structures with specific alignment requirements, rely on being aligned correctly in memory. If the alignment is not preserved, it can lead to performance issues, errors, or even crashes.

How can I silence the compiler warning about alignment?

One way to silence the warning is to use std::aligned_storage to ensure the memory is aligned correctly. You can also use a custom deleter for the unique_ptr that takes care of the alignment. However, be cautious when suppressing warnings, as they are often there to alert you to potential issues.

Are there any alternatives to std::unique_ptr for aligned types?

Yes, you can use std::unique_ptr with a custom allocator that preserves the alignment, or consider using a library like Boost.Align, which provides allocators and smart pointers that handle alignment correctly.

What’s the key takeaway when working with aligned types and std::unique_ptr?

The key takeaway is to be mindful of alignment requirements when working with aligned types and smart pointers. Take the time to understand the implications and choose the right tools and techniques to ensure correct alignment and avoid potential issues.