Mastering Informatica PowerCenter: How to Load One File at a Time if File Size is Large
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Mastering Informatica PowerCenter: How to Load One File at a Time if File Size is Large

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Are you tired of dealing with large files in Informatica PowerCenter? Do you wish there was a way to load one file at a time, especially when the file size is enormous? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of PowerCenter and explore the best practices for loading large files in a controlled and efficient manner.

The Problem: Dealing with Large Files

When working with large files in PowerCenter, it’s not uncommon to encounter performance issues, memory constraints, and even data corruption. The bigger the file, the more resources it requires to process, and the higher the risk of errors. But what if you could break down the file into smaller, manageable chunks and load them one at a time?

The Solution: Loading One File at a Time

The good news is that PowerCenter provides a feature to load one file at a time, even if the file size is large. This approach not only reduces the risk of errors but also improves performance and optimizes resource utilization. So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a New Source Definition

To begin, create a new source definition in PowerCenter that points to the large file you want to load. Make sure to specify the correct file format, delimiter, and encoding.

Source Definition:
  Name: Large File Source
  File Type: Flat File
  File Path: C:\LargeFiles\example.txt
  Delimiter: Comma
  Encoding: UTF-8

Step 2: Configure the Source Qualifier

In the Source Qualifier, you’ll need to specify the number of records to read from the file at a time. This is where the magic happens! Set the “Records to Read” property to a reasonable value, such as 10,000 or 50,000, depending on your system’s capabilities.

Source Qualifier:
  Name: Large File SQ
  Source Definition: Large File Source
  Records to Read: 10000

Step 3: Create a New Mapping

Create a new mapping that connects the Source Qualifier to a target definition. In this example, we’ll assume you’re loading the data into a relational database.

  Name: Load Large File
  Source Qualifier: Large File SQ
  Target Definition: Relational Database
    - Source Qualifier -> Relational Database

Step 4: Enable Session Partitioning

This is the crucial step that allows you to load one file at a time. Enable session partitioning in the workflow manager by setting the “Partition Type” to “File” and specifying the “Partition Size” in bytes.

Workflow Manager:
  Name: Load Large File Workflow
  Mapping: Load Large File
  Partition Type: File
  Partition Size: 1000000 (1MB)

Step 5: Run the Workflow

Finally, run the workflow to load the large file in chunks. PowerCenter will automatically split the file into smaller partitions and load them one at a time, ensuring efficient use of resources and minimal risk of errors.

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some additional best practices and tips to keep in mind when loading large files in PowerCenter:

  • Monitor performance: Keep an eye on system resources, such as CPU, memory, and disk usage, to ensure optimal performance.
  • Adjust partition size: Experiment with different partition sizes to find the sweet spot that balances performance and resource utilization.
  • Use data validation: Validate your data at each stage of the process to detect and handle errors early on.
  • Plan for failures: Develop a contingency plan for failures, such as disk space issues or network connectivity problems.
  • Optimize your database: Ensure your target database is optimized for large data loads, with proper indexing, partitioning, and statistics maintenance.


Loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By breaking down the file into smaller chunks and loading them one at a time, you can ensure efficient resource utilization, minimize errors, and optimize performance. Remember to follow best practices, monitor performance, and adjust your approach as needed. With these tips and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to mastering PowerCenter and tackling even the largest files with confidence!

Keyword Summary
How to load one file at a time in Informatica PowerCenter if file size is large This article provides a comprehensive guide on loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter, including creating a new source definition, configuring the source qualifier, creating a new mapping, enabling session partitioning, and running the workflow.

By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to efficiently load large files in PowerCenter, even if the file size is enormous. Remember to stay tuned for more Informatica PowerCenter tutorials and tips on our blog!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to load one file at a time in Informatica PowerCenter if file size is large”:

Frequently Asked Question

Large files can be a real challenge when working with Informatica PowerCenter! But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some frequently asked questions about loading one file at a time in Informatica PowerCenter when the file size is large.

Q: How can I load a large file incrementally in Informatica PowerCenter?

To load a large file incrementally in Informatica PowerCenter, you can use the “File Indicator” option in the Source Qualifier transformation. This option allows you to split the file into smaller chunks, processing one chunk at a time. This way, you can control the amount of memory used during the data load process, preventing memory overflow issues.

Q: Can I use a single session to load multiple files in Informatica PowerCenter?

No, you cannot use a single session to load multiple files in Informatica PowerCenter. However, you can create multiple sessions and run them concurrently to load multiple files in parallel. This approach can significantly improve the overall data load performance, especially when dealing with large files.

Q: How can I handle file contention issues when loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter?

To handle file contention issues when loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter, you can use the “File Locking” feature. This feature allows you to lock the file during the data load process, preventing other sessions or applications from accessing the file simultaneously. This ensures data consistency and prevents data corruption.

Q: Can I use a stored procedure to load large files in Informatica PowerCenter?

Yes, you can use a stored procedure to load large files in Informatica PowerCenter. By using a stored procedure, you can encapsulate the data load logic and execute it as a single unit of work. This approach can improve data load performance and reduce the risk of data inconsistencies.

Q: How can I monitor the data load process when loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter?

To monitor the data load process when loading large files in Informatica PowerCenter, you can use the “Monitor” feature. This feature allows you to track the progress of the data load process, including the number of rows processed, the number of errors encountered, and the elapsed time. This real-time monitoring capability helps you identify performance bottlenecks and take corrective action to optimize the data load process.

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