Unity HDRP: Mastering Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask (Unity 2022.3.36f1)
Image by Robertine - hkhazo.biz.id

Unity HDRP: Mastering Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask (Unity 2022.3.36f1)

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Working with Unity’s High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) can be a dream come true for many developers, but it’s not without its quirks. One of the most common issues that arise when using additional cameras in HDRP is that they can affect the scene’s lighting and colors, even when using a Volume Mask. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of HDRP and provide a step-by-step guide on how to overcome this issue and achieve the desired visual results.

Understanding the Problem

The issue at hand occurs when you have multiple cameras in your scene, and one of them is affecting the lighting and colors of the other cameras, even when using a Volume Mask. This can lead to unwanted results, such as:

  • Incorrect lighting
  • Overexposure or underexposure
  • Unintended color grading

This problem can be especially frustrating when working with complex scenes or when trying to achieve specific visual effects. So, what’s causing this issue, and how can we fix it?

The Root Cause: Camera Stacking

The root cause of this issue lies in the way Unity handles camera stacking. When you have multiple cameras in your scene, Unity stacks them on top of each other, rendering each camera’s output in sequence. This can lead to the additional cameras affecting the lighting and colors of the previous cameras in the stack.

In HDRP, this issue is exacerbated by the use of Volume Masks, which are used to control the rendering of specific objects or effects within a scene. While Volume Masks are incredibly powerful, they can also contribute to the camera stacking issue.

Solution 1: Disable Camera Stacking

The most straightforward solution to this issue is to disable camera stacking altogether. You can do this by adding the following script to each additional camera in your scene:

using UnityEngine;

public class DisableCameraStacking : MonoBehaviour
    void OnEnable()
        Camera cam = GetComponent();
        cam.allowCameraStacking = false;

This script will disable camera stacking for the specific camera it’s attached to, preventing it from affecting the lighting and colors of other cameras in the scene.

Solution 2: Use a Separate Render Texture

Another solution to this issue is to use a separate render texture for each camera. This will allow each camera to render its output independently, without affecting the other cameras in the scene.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new render texture asset in your Unity project.
  2. Assign this render texture to the target texture of the camera that’s causing the issue.
  3. In the camera’s camera component, set the “Target Texture” property to the new render texture.

By using a separate render texture, you can effectively isolate each camera’s output, preventing them from affecting each other.

Solution 3: Use a Camera Layer

The final solution to this issue is to use a camera layer to separate the cameras in your scene. By assigning each camera to a different layer, you can control which objects are rendered by each camera, preventing them from affecting each other.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new layer in your Unity project.
  2. Assign the objects that should be rendered by the additional camera to this new layer.
  3. In the camera component, set the “Culling Mask” property to the new layer.

By using a camera layer, you can effectively separate the cameras in your scene, preventing them from affecting each other’s lighting and colors.

Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the solutions mentioned above, here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with additional cameras in HDRP:

  • Use a consistent naming convention for your cameras and render textures to avoid confusion.
  • Make sure to set the “Render Mode” property of each camera to “Base” to ensure that they’re rendering correctly.
  • Use the “Camera Settings” window to fine-tune the settings of each camera, such as the field of view and camera clipping planes.


Working with additional cameras in HDRP can be a complex task, but with the right techniques and strategies, you can overcome the issue of cameras affecting each other’s lighting and colors. By disabling camera stacking, using separate render textures, or using camera layers, you can achieve the desired visual results and take your Unity project to the next level.

Solution Description
Disable Camera Stacking Disable camera stacking altogether using a script.
Use a Separate Render Texture Use a separate render texture for each camera to isolate their output.
Use a Camera Layer Use a camera layer to separate the cameras in your scene and control which objects are rendered by each camera.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning visual effects and bringing your Unity project to life.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling with the Unity HDRP Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask? We’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 FAQs to help you resolve this pesky problem.

Why does the additional camera affect the scene lighting and colors when using a Volume Mask in Unity HDRP?

The additional camera can affect the scene lighting and colors because it’s rendering the scene separately, which can cause conflicts with the Volume Mask. This is especially true if you’re using a Camera Type that’s not set to “None” or “Orthographic”. To avoid this, try setting the Camera Type to “None” or “Orthographic” to prevent it from affecting the scene lighting and colors.

How do I prevent the additional camera from affecting the Volume Mask in Unity HDRP?

To prevent the additional camera from affecting the Volume Mask, you can try the following: 1) Set the Camera Type to “None” or “Orthographic”, 2) Disable the “Affect Volumes” option on the additional camera, or 3) Use a separate Render Texture for the additional camera. These solutions should help you isolate the Volume Mask from the additional camera’s render pass.

What are some common causes of the Unity HDRP Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask?

Some common causes of this issue include: 1) Incorrect Camera Type settings, 2) Improper Volume Mask setup, 3) Conflicting Render Textures, 4) Incorrect Layer settings, and 5) Incompatible Graphics Settings. Make sure to review your project settings and camera configurations to identify the root cause of the issue.

Can I use a Post-processing Profile to fix the Unity HDRP Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask?

Yes, you can try using a Post-processing Profile to fix this issue. Create a new Post-processing Profile and set it to ignore the additional camera’s render pass. This can help separate the Volume Mask from the additional camera’s lighting and color effects. However, this solution may not work in all cases, and you may need to try a combination of solutions to resolve the issue.

Are there any Unity HDRP settings that can help resolve the Additional Camera Affecting Scene Lighting and Colors Issue with Volume Mask?

Yes, there are several Unity HDRP settings that can help resolve this issue. Try enabling “Camera Relative Rendering” or “Layered Lighting” to see if it resolves the conflict. You can also try adjusting the “Lighting Mode” or “Shadow Mode” settings to improve the rendering quality. Experiment with different settings to find the one that works best for your project.

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