CloudWatch Ignores retention_in_days: The Mystery of the Log Group That Never Expires
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CloudWatch Ignores retention_in_days: The Mystery of the Log Group That Never Expires

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Are you frustrated with CloudWatch log groups that seem to defy the laws of data retention? You’re not alone! Many AWS users have reported issues with CloudWatch ignoring the retention_in_days parameter, resulting in log groups that never expire. In this article, we’ll delve into the mystery behind this phenomenon and provide you with practical solutions to tame the beast.

The Expected Behavior: retention_in_days in Action

In CloudWatch, the retention_in_days parameter is used to specify the number of days you want to keep log data. When you create a log group, you can set this parameter to a value between 1 and 3653 (10 years). The expectation is that logs older than the specified retention period will be automatically deleted, freeing up valuable storage space and reducing costs.

aws cloudwatch create-log-group --log-group-name my-log-group --retention-in-days 14

However, as many users have discovered, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, CloudWatch ignores the retention_in_days parameter, and logs never expire, no matter how old they are.

The Anomaly: CloudWatch Ignoring retention_in_days

So, why does CloudWatch ignore the retention_in_days parameter in some cases? There are a few possible explanations:

  • Inconsistent configuration**: When creating a log group, it’s easy to overlook or misconfigure the retention_in_days parameter. Double-check your CloudFormation templates, Terraform scripts, or AWS CLI commands to ensure the parameter is set correctly.
  • Legacy log groups**: If you’ve inherited an existing AWS account or migrated from an older version of CloudWatch, you might have log groups created before the retention_in_days feature was introduced (around 2017). These log groups might not respect the retention period.
  • permissions issues**: In some cases, IAM roles or users might lack the necessary permissions to delete logs, resulting in CloudWatch ignoring the retention period.
  • Bug or edge case**: It’s possible that you’ve stumbled upon a rare bug or edge case in CloudWatch. If you’ve checked all the above possibilities and still experience issues, it’s worth opening a support ticket with AWS.

Solutions and Workarounds

Now that we’ve explored the possible reasons behind CloudWatch ignoring retention_in_days, let’s discuss some solutions and workarounds to get your log groups under control:

1. Verify and Update Log Group Configuration

aws cloudwatch update-log-group --log-group-name my-log-group --retention-in-days 14

Double-check your log group configuration and update the retention_in_days parameter if necessary. This should resolve any inconsistent configuration issues.

2. Use CloudWatch Logs Expiration

CloudWatch Logs Expiration is a feature that automatically deletes logs based on their age. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the CloudWatch console and navigate to the Logs section.
  2. Click on the log group that’s not respecting the retention period.
  3. Click the Actions dropdown menu and select Edit log group.
  4. In the Log group details section, click on the Expiry tab.
  5. Choose the desired expiration period and click Save changes.

3. Use AWS CLI to Delete Old Logs

aws cloudwatch delete-log-group --log-group-name my-log-group
aws cloudwatch delete-log-events --log-group-name my-log-group --start-time 1d ago --end-time 1d ago

If you need to delete old logs immediately, you can use the AWS CLI to remove log groups and log events manually. Be cautious when using this approach, as it will permanently delete your logs.

4. Implement a Custom Log Rotation and Deletion Script

Write a custom script using AWS CLI or a programming language like Python to rotate and delete logs based on their age. This approach requires more effort, but provides maximum flexibility and control over log retention.

Script Language Script Example
aws cloudwatch delete-log-events --log-group-name my-log-group --start-time 30d ago --end-time 30d ago
Python (using Boto3)
import boto3
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
cloudwatch.delete_log_events(LogGroupName='my-log-group', StartTime=30, EndTime=30)

Best Practices for Log Retention and Expiration

To avoid issues with CloudWatch ignoring retention_in_days, follow these best practices:

  • Set retention periods consistently**: Use a standard retention period across all log groups to avoid confusion and inconsistencies.
  • Monitor log group growth**: Regularly check log group sizes and adjust retention periods as needed to prevent storage costs from spiraling out of control.
  • Implement log rotation and deletion scripts**: Automate log rotation and deletion to ensure logs are deleted efficiently and according to your retention policies.
  • Test and validate log retention**: Periodically verify that logs are being deleted correctly and according to your specified retention periods.


In conclusion, CloudWatch ignoring retention_in_days can be frustrating, but it’s often a solvable issue. By understanding the possible causes and implementing the solutions and workarounds discussed in this article, you can regain control over your log groups and ensure that logs are deleted according to your retention policies. Remember to follow best practices for log retention and expiration to avoid future issues.

Have you encountered issues with CloudWatch ignoring retention_in_days? Share your experiences and solutions in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why CloudWatch ignores retention_in_days and creates log groups that never expire!

Why does CloudWatch ignore the retention_in_days setting when creating a log group?

CloudWatch ignores the retention_in_days setting when creating a log group because it’s a default setting that’s overridden by the AWS management console. When you create a log group using the console, the retention period is set to ” Never Expire” by default, which takes precedence over the retention_in_days setting.

How can I avoid creating log groups that never expire?

To avoid creating log groups that never expire, make sure to specify a retention period when creating the log group using the AWS CLI or SDKs. You can also update the retention period of an existing log group using the AWS CLI or SDKs. This will ensure that your log data is retained for the specified period and then automatically deleted.

What happens if I don’t specify a retention period when creating a log group?

If you don’t specify a retention period when creating a log group, CloudWatch will default to “Never Expire”, which means your log data will be retained indefinitely. This can lead to unnecessary storage costs and make it difficult to manage your log data.

Can I update the retention period of a log group after it’s been created?

Yes, you can update the retention period of a log group after it’s been created using the AWS CLI or SDKs. This will apply to all existing and future log data in the log group. However, note that updating the retention period will not affect log data that’s already expired.

What are the best practices for managing log retention in CloudWatch?

Best practices for managing log retention in CloudWatch include setting a retention period that balances storage costs with compliance and auditing requirements, regularly reviewing and updating retention periods, and using AWS services like Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier for long-term log data archival.